About Us
Beijing ChangFeng Micro-Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd. was established in 1989. It is located in Beijing, the capital of China, ¡¡
Contact Us
Beijing ChangFeng Micro-Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd.
ADD: 50#,Yongding Rd,Haidian District,Beijing.
(P.O.BOX 142-85,Beijing,China 100854)
TEL: +86-10-68385326 / 68386668
FAX: +86-10-68388019
Email: mark@cfsaw.com
CF-06-A GNSS Radiosonde
The CF-06-A Radiosonde offers high quality PTU and wind measurement performance¡¡
XT-06-A GNSS Dropsonde
The Dropsonde as the airborne counterpart is ejected from aircraft and float to earth on a parachute¡¡
GNSS Rocketsonde
The GNSS Rocketsonde is carried by a rocket to the desired altitude where the sonde is ¡¡
CF-GNSS-TX Antenna
The antenna is a directional UHF antenna to receive radiosonde signals in the 400MHz meteorological¡¡
CFL-GNSS-JS Ground Receiver
The radio signal of the radiosonde is converted to IF by down converter and then sent to sounding software for further processing after being demodulated,decoded to digital data
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