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XT-06-A型下投式GPS探空仪/XT-06-A GPS Dropsonde


XT-06-A型下投式GPS探空仪(XT-06-A GPS Dropsonde)


    The dropsonde as the airborne counterpart is ejected from aircraft and float to earth on a parachute.Atmospheric soundings from dropsondes provide the ability to measure conditions over remote areas such as the oceans,polar regions,and sparely inhabited land masses;they also provide a means to obtain sounding in and around severe weather systems,such as hurricanes.

Technical Data(2-sigma confidence level: 95.5%)

温度传感器/Temperature sensor
类型/Type: 珠状电阻/bead resistance
测量范围/Measurement range +50℃~ -90℃
分辨率/Resolution 0.1℃
不确定度/Uncertainty in sounding 0.5℃
湿度传感器/Humidity sensor
类型/Type 薄膜电容/thin-film capacitor
测量范围/Measurement range 0~100%RH
分辨率/Resolution 1%RH
不确定度/Uncertainty in sounding 5%RH
气压测量/ Pressure Measurement
测量范围/Measurement range 1080hPa to 3hPa
分辨率/Resolution 0.1hPa
不确定度/Uncertainty in sounding 1080hPa~500hPa:1.0hPa
测风/Wind Measurement
风速不确定度/Velocity measurement uncertainty 0.3m/s
风向不确定度/Directional measurement uncertainty
尺寸与重量/Dimensions and Weight
尺寸/Dimensions φ48×215(mm*mm)
重量/Weight with dry-cell batteries 200g±20g
锂电池/Lithium-cell Batteries
电压/Voltage 7.5V nominal
工作时间/Operating time 100mins
频率范围/Frequence Rang 400.15 to 406MHz or 425 to 443MHz
输出功率/Output power 100mW(max)
调制方式/Modulation FSK
数据传输速率/Data downlink 2400bit/s
测量周期/Measurement cycle 1s



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